Subject: Urgent Request for Appointment of a Deputy Supervisor of Elections
Dear Mr. Bill Cowles,
We, the undersigned organizations, write to you today with a profound sense of urgency in your esteemed capacity as the Supervisor of Elections for Orange County, to address a matter of utmost importance. As you are preparing to leave office, we would like to propose the appointment of a Deputy Supervisor of Elections to ensure a seamless transition and the
continued efficiency of our election processes under your authority, as found in Florida Statutes 98.015 (8).
The role of the Supervisor of Elections is pivotal in maintaining the integrity and smooth
operation of our democratic processes. Your imminent departure presents a unique challenge in preserving the continuity and stability of this office in your absence and without an appointed Deputy Director. We must have a qualified and prepared individual in place to take on the responsibilities and uphold the standards you have set.
We understand the weight of this request, especially at a time when your office is managing
numerous responsibilities. However, we are confident that this proactive step will significantly
benefit our electoral system and the community at large.
We appreciate your consideration of this urgent request and are available for any discussions or assistance that may facilitate this process. Your leadership and foresight in making this
appointment will leave a lasting positive impact on our electoral system.
Thank you for your dedication and service to our community. We eagerly await your response
and are hopeful for a favorable decision.
In Solidarity,